Chevrolet Bolt EV 360° Test Drive: An Edmunds Review (3D)

Spatial perception (“depth”) is the most important factor when it comes to determining whether a person can fit inside a tight spot, such as a vehicle. In order to visualize sitting inside a vehicle, I developed the idea of creating a stereoscopic (“3D”) video review of a car during a test drive. We chose the Chevy Bolt EV due to high consumer interest and the small size of the vehicle. The goal was to create a 3D video inside a small car that could technically be scaled to any larger automobile.
The concept, including pacing, locations and overall goals, was planned using consumer-level 360° cameras. For the final shoot, we brought in an outside 360° film studio with a custom-built camera rig. Since the outside studio had not shot 3D 360° content in such a small vehicle, it became a collaborative effort between both teams and the entire shoot was completed in 1.5 days.
The video was released in March of 2017 on Edmunds’ popular YouTube channel. While desktop performance was steady, mobile performance suffered as mobile phone processing power is unable to display 3D videos without frame performance issues, which can cause motion sickness. Given that the majority of Edmunds’ YouTube users are connecting via smartphones, the decision was made to create another non-3D shoot of the Chevy Bolt EV review under my direction. This second video became the main video featured on Chevy Bolt EV pages and became the guideline for Edmunds’ future 360° video reviews.